Annual Reports
We are alike in the same ways,” a child once wrote to me. “I like colors and you like colors, I like words and you like words.Eric Carle

Eric Carle, Illustration for You Can Make a Collage: A Very Simple How-To Book. Collection of Eric and Barbara Carle.
© 1998 Penguin Random House LLC.
We Love Picture Book Art!
At a time when the world can feel divided and uncertain, picture book art offers us a reminder of what truly matters: the values of peace, love, and our shared humanity. Art—particularly picture book art—has a pivotal role in shaping young minds and fostering a world of hope.
Cofounded by Eric and Barbara Carle in 2002 to celebrate the art of the picture book, we collect, preserve, and exhibit original picture book art and encourage guests of all ages to appreciate and foster the love of picture book art.
Situated on 7.5 acres in Amherst, Massachusetts, The Carle houses a rich and deep collection of art, and illuminates its collection through exhibitions, education, programming, and art making—making it a critical resource for picture book artists and authors, and art-loving communities locally, nationally, and abroad. Since opening its doors more than 21 years ago, The Carle has welcomed more than one million visitors—plus more than four million additional museumgoers who have enjoyed its touring exhibitions around the world.