Leonard Weisgard, Illustration for The Summer Noisy Book by Margaret Wise Brown. Gift of Abigail, Christina, and Ethan Weisgard. © 1951 Leonard Weisgard.
Margaret Wise Brown & Her Artists
A key figure in the evolution of picture books, Margaret Wise Brown wrote Goodnight Moon (1947), The Runaway Bunny (1942), and other groundbreaking books. Brown was radical for her time, rejecting norms in children’s literature in favor of stories that reflected kids’ everyday experiences. Commissioning avant-garde artists to illustrate her books, Brown ushered in a new type of children’s literature—one bursting with bold sound and color. Since her death in 1952, Brown’s stories have continued to inspire generations of picture-book artists. As Brown wrote, “the important thing… is that the book goes on long after it is closed.”
What to Expect
The books featured in this exhibition include some of Brown’s most well-known titles, including collaborations with artists like Clement Hurd, Leonard Weisgard, and Garth Williams. There are also newly illustrated versions of older titles, books published from manuscripts discovered after Brown’s death, and a selection of vintage Little Golden Books. Books are arranged along the shelves of the Reading Library for visitors to read and explore. Additional books displayed on low tables invite visitors to talk, play, and create.