Ronald Searle, The Good Old Days II. Collection of Sandra Boynton. © Ronald Searle.
Collecting Inspiration: Contemporary Illustrators and Their Heroes
Picture books instill in children a sense of awe, magic, and wonderment, but who inspires the illustrators themselves? Organized by two prominent figures in the field, Tony DiTerlizzi and Mo Willems, this exhibition gives visitors a peek into the minds and motivations of an array of talented artists working today: Tony and Mo, as well as Sophie Blackall, Sandra Boynton, Ashley Bryan, Eric Carle, Bryan Collier, Marla Frazee, Laurie Keller, Loren Long, Patrick McDonnell, Yuyi Morales, Kadir Nelson, LeUyen Pham, Jerry Pinkney, Robin Preiss Glasser, Judy Schachner, Lane Smith, and—with a special contribution from his foundation—the late Maurice Sendak.