David Wiesner, Illustration for Tuesday. Collection of the artist. © 1991 David Wiesner, used by permission of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
David Wiesner & The Art of Wordless Storytelling
David Wiesner has enthralled readers for three decades, and his remarkable career is surveyed in this first-ever retrospective devoted to his art. The exhibition features 70 original watercolors for some of Wiesner’s most famous books, including three for which he won the prestigious Caldecott Medal: Tuesday (1992), The Three Pigs (2002), and Flotsam (2007). Also on view is work from Wiesner’s earliest artistic successes while still a student at the Rhode Island School of Design to his most recent book project—his first graphic novel, Fish Girl (2017).
This exhibition was co-organized with the Santa Barbara Museum of Art. Its presentation at The Carle was supported by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.