Latino Folk Tales: Cuentos Populares-Art by Latino Artists
This exhibition features sixty-three original artworks from bilingual Latino folk tales published in children’s picture books. A dozen award-winning artists focused their lively imaginations, distinctive styles, and colorful palettes to bring the stories alive. The illustrations enhance stories collected from many Spanish-speaking regions including Mexico, New Mexico, Puerto Rico, and Central and South America. Featured artists include Lulu Delacre, Maya Gonzalez, Leovigildo Martínez, Felipe Davalos, Beatriz Vidal, Honorio Robledo, Esau Andrade Valencia, Amy Cordóva, Susan Guevara, Lucia and Gloria Perez, and Raúl Colón.
Curated by Sylvia Nissley. This exhibition was organized by Smith Kramer Traveling Exhibitions, Kansas City, Missouri.