Mother Goose in an Air-Ship: McLoughlin Bros. 19th Century Children’s Books from the Liman Collection
This exhibition highlights beautifully illustrated children’s books printed in Brooklyn by McLoughlin Bros., a publisher that pioneered new technology and marketing techniques in the mass production of inexpensive children’s books. The Liman Collection is an especially rich resource for exploring the values, character, and world views of the time.
Visitors will see children’s classics, such as Gulliver’s Travels and adaptations of Robinson Crusoe; educational books, such as various ABCs, Mother Goose stories; Christmas Books; and books teaching children how to paint or draw; along with games and puzzles. Works in the exhibition are on loan from the Brooklyn Historical Society. The Liman Collection of Nineteenth-Century McLoughlin Bros. Illustrated Children’s Books was graciously donated to the Brooklyn Historical Society by Mrs. Ellen Liman.
This exhibition was originally organized and published by the Brooklyn Historical Society.