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Leo Lionni, Illustration for Fish is Fish (Dragonfly Books). Leo Lionni Collection, Gift of the Lionni Family. © 1970 Leo Lionni.
Leo Lionni: A Passion for Creativity
November 7, 2003 - February 15, 2004
This exhibition surveys the career of Leo Lionni, one of the most beloved picture book artists of the twentieth century. Included are illustrations from Inch by Inch (1960), as well as Alexander and the Wind-up Mouse (1969) and Fish is Fish (1970). Examples of Lionni’s drawings, prints, and sculptures create a panorama of the master, who regarded the picture book as theater, its pages the stage on which his animal protagonists act out social dramas.
July 13 - October 19, 2003
The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art, Amherst, MA
November 7, 2003 – February 15, 2004
Castellani Art Museum, Niagara University, Niagara Falls, NY
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