2024 Carle Honors Gala Committee Host & Sponsorships

A portion of proceeds from all tickets includes a donation to our Inspiration Fund, which provides complimentary tickets for artists and educators who might not otherwise be able to attend.

An illustration of a butterfly

Eric Carle, Illustration from The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Collection of Eric and Barbara Carle. © 1969, 1987 Penguin Random House LLC.

For additional information about the Honors, sponsorship packages and other inquiries, please contact Rebecca Miller Goggins, director of development at rebeccag@carlemuseum.org or 413-559-6308. 



  Committee Host Host Captain Honoree Patron Patron 
  $10,000 $4,000 + 
sell 8 tickets  
$1,500 $750 
Presentation and Reception Ticket 2211
Priority Seating  Yes Yes Yes  
Honoree Dinner Seats  YesYes   
Invitation recognition  As Host As Host Captain   
On-site recognition  As Host As Host Captain Yes Yes 
Museum Membership  Yes Yes Yes Yes 




  Exclusive Premier 
 Honoree Patron Picture Book Patron Corporate Support Ticket 
  $50,000 $25,000 $15,000 $10,000 $1,250
Presentation and Reception Tickets  12 1
Artist/Author Tickets    
Priority Seating  Yes Yes Yes   
Honoree Dinner Seats    
Press Release  Yes Yes Yes   
Invitation listing  Top Yes    
Logo on Website  Top Yes    
Listing on Website    Yes Yes  
Eblast   Top Yes    
Social Media  Yes Yes    
Recognition from Stage  Top Yes Yes Yes  
Event Banner  Yes Yes    
On-site Recognition YesYesYesYesYes

(Additional tickets can be purchased for $600 with any of the above sponsorships.)