Planned Giving
The Carle Legacy Society
When you notify The Carle of your intention to make a planned gift, you become a part of The Carle Legacy Society. The society is made up of very special supporters who want to ensure that their contributions provide picture-book opportunities for generations to come.

About Planned Giving
We can work with you and your financial advisor to help determine the type of gift that will best fit your personal financial goals. Including The Carle in your will is one way to make a difference. Additional ways to make a planned gift can benefit The Carle immediately and provide you with tax benefits and other advantages.
Examples of planned gifts include:
- Gifts of Real Estate
- Appreciated Stock
- Life Insurance or Retirement Plan Beneficiary
- Life Income Plans: Charitable Remainder Trusts, Gift Annuities, Pooled Income Fund
- Charitable Lead Trusts
- Gifts of Art
- Bequests through a Will
If you’re considering a planned gift to The Carle, please talk with your legal and financial advisor and contact Rebecca Miller Goggins, Director of Development, at 413-559-6308 or rebeccag@carlemuseum.org.