Family Fun Day
Join us for day of stories, book signings, and drawing demonstrations as we celebrate the opening of Horse Tales: Galloping into Children’s Books. Meet exhibition artists Micha Archer, Jane Dyer, Ruth Sanderson, and Audrey Helen Weber, and horses from Whispering Horse Therapeutic Riding Center!
Update: Program with Whispering Horse Therapeutic Riding Center is canceled due to inclement weather.
11:00 am - Special Storytime with Micha Archer and Ruth Sanderson (book signing to follow)
11:30 am - Yoga for Kids, with Yoga Sanctuary
1:00 pm - Special Storytime with Jane Dyer and Audrey Helen Weber (book signing to follow)
1:00 - 3:00 pm - Crooked Stick Pops (courtyard)
1:30 - 3:00 pm - Drawing Horses with Ruth Sanderson and Audrey Helen Weber, with horses from Whispering Horse Therapeutic Riding Center.