Eric Carle and Friends: What’s Your Favorite Animal?
Eric Carle partnered with fourteen leading illustrators to answer the enduring question, “What’s your favorite animal?” in a book published by Henry Holt and Company. Contributions ranged from meticulously rendered artwork to quick, funny sketches with equally varied commentaries. The book, and this complementary exhibition, presents a colorful, varied, and engaging omnibus that offers real insight into the lives and personalities of the artists. Contributors include Nick Bruel, Eric Carle, Lucy Cousins, Susan Jeffers, Steven Kellogg, Jon Klassen, Tom Lichtenheld, Peter McCarty, Chris Raschka, Peter Sis, Lane Smith, Erin Stead, Rosemary Wells, and Mo Willems. All royalties from the sale of the book benefited The Carle.
This exhibition was made possible through the generous support of the Hsin-Yi Foundation.