Making Art Together

The Art Studio facilitates creative projects for all ages. Join us as we share materials, ideas, and reflections.

A young guest explores glue and its sticky qualities.
Making Art Together Categories Bookmaking Drawing
Read our reflections on past projects that played with words and images.
Making Art Together Categories Painting Printmaking
Explore three different marbling techniques using materials found around the home.
Making Art Together Categories Bookmaking Collage Drawing Sculpture
Create your own 3-D books with paper, drawing tools, scissors, and boxes.
Making Art Together Categories Drawing Painting
Explore storyboarding with stencils, paint, and drawing tools.
Making Art Together Categories Drawing
Explore the collaborative drawing area inspired by Leo and Diane Dillon’s work.
Making Art Together Categories Collage Painting Printmaking
Explore an artmaking technique that combines collage and printmaking.
Making Art Together Categories Collage Infants and Toddlers Theory and Resources
Read about how we involve our guests in the creation, and deconstruction, of displays.
Making Art Together Categories Nature Theory and Resources
Read about our adult workshop where we made paper using a variety of techniques!
Making Art Together Categories Collage Theory and Resources
Read about the collage project we designed inspired by the Dillon’s artmaking collaborations.
Making Art Together Categories Sculpture
Explore light and color in this sculpture project.
Making Art Together Categories Drawing
Create your own color-revealing scratch pads using oil pastels and paper!
Making Art Together Categories Drawing Nature
Read about our collaborative drawing project on the windows of The Carle.