Making Art Together

The Art Studio facilitates creative projects for all ages. Join us as we share materials, ideas, and reflections.

A young guest explores glue and its sticky qualities.
Making Art Together Categories Nature Painting Sculpture
Read how the Art Studio team created a large flower installation out of found materials.
Making Art Together Categories Collage Painting Sculpture
Read about Art Studio intern Allison Shilling’s sculpture project for guests in the Art Studio.
Making Art Together Categories Collage Drawing Sculpture
Create your own paper adventure maps inspired by picture books with journeys in them.
Making Art Together Categories Sculpture Theory and Resources
Inspired by an exhibition at The Carle, create sculptures of things that go using found materials.
Making Art Together Categories At Home Art Studio Collage Drawing Theory and Resources
Create your own textured rubbing plate tools to use in art projects.
Making Art Together Categories Nature Painting Theory and Resources
Read about how to create natural dyes for coloring papers.
Making Art Together Categories Collage Drawing
Inspired by Eric Carle’s book The Nonsense Show, create your own silly collages!
Making Art Together Categories At Home Art Studio Collage
Create your own textured mosaic using found materials.
Making Art Together Categories Bookmaking Collage Drawing Theory and Resources
Create your own alphabet books using collage and drawing materials.
Making Art Together Categories At Home Art Studio Infants and Toddlers Painting Printmaking Theory and Resources
Experiment painting with homemade silly textured paint brushes.
Making Art Together Categories Infants and Toddlers Painting Theory and Resources
Inspired by picture books about food, experiment with watercolor painting.
Making Art Together Categories Bookmaking
Create your own rainbow stick-and-band book.