Making Art Together

The Art Studio facilitates creative projects for all ages. Join us as we share materials, ideas, and reflections.

A young guest explores glue and its sticky qualities.
Making Art Together Categories At Home Art Studio Painting Printmaking Theory and Resources
Create marbled papers using shaving cream and paint!
Making Art Together Categories Painting Printmaking
Read about the stamping project behind the window installation.
Making Art Together Categories Nature Sculpture
Read about the outdoor sculpture project inspired by trees.
Making Art Together Categories Painting Printmaking
Explore several ways to make textured prints.
Making Art Together Categories Nature Theory and Resources
The Art Studio shares the reasons behind their decision to stop using plastics for materials in art projects.
Making Art Together Categories At Home Art Studio Collage
Create your own portraits of imaginary or real animals.
Making Art Together Categories Drawing Nature Painting
Explore the many shades of the night sky through watercolor paint.
Making Art Together Categories Painting Printmaking
Explore the many ways cardboard can be used in artmaking!
Making Art Together Categories Bookmaking Drawing
Explore storytelling and playing with light in The Carle’s galleries.
Making Art Together Categories Drawing Infants and Toddlers Painting
Read about a mark-making experience with young learners.
Making Art Together Categories Collage
See how a collage project in the studio was developed by an Art Studio intern.
Making Art Together Categories Painting Printmaking Theory and Resources
Learn how we developed monotype programming in the studio.