Making Art Together

The Art Studio facilitates creative projects for all ages. Join us as we share materials, ideas, and reflections.

A young guest explores glue and its sticky qualities.
Making Art Together Categories At Home Art Studio Collage Drawing Nature
Create your own postcards inspired by the moon!
Making Art Together Categories At Home Art Studio Infants and Toddlers Sculpture
A toddler-made sculpture installation using yarn and glue.
Making Art Together Categories Collage Sculpture
Explore how a simple cardboard box can become a back drop for stories.
Making Art Together Categories Painting Theory and Resources
Explore how the Art Studio at The Carle facilitates painting in a drop-in setting.
Making Art Together Categories Sculpture
Make mobiles inspired by the night sky using found materials.
Making Art Together Categories Sculpture
Explore how having a party can be inspiration for artmaking!
Making Art Together Categories At Home Art Studio Sculpture
Experiment with paper and scissors to create layered artwork.
Making Art Together Categories Painting Printmaking
Explore painting on a small and large scale.
Making Art Together Categories Drawing
Read about the creative gallery interactives at The Carle.
Making Art Together Categories Collage Theory and Resources
Explore how the Art Studio reuses papers in collage projects.
Making Art Together Categories Painting Printmaking
Explore the printmaking project behind the evolving honeycomb installation.
Making Art Together Categories Collage Sculpture
Create your own insect-inspired artwork that you can wear!